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USAID Mission Director Craig Hart Highlights U.S. Support in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

In a recent visit, USAID Mission Director in Tanzania, Mr. Craig Hart, showcased the significant contributions of the U.S. government through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The purpose of this visit was to highlight the collaborative efforts with various stakeholders in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

During his visit, Mr. Hart met with several organizations, including the National Council of People Living with HIV in Tanzania (NACOPHA), Deloitte, USAID Afya Yangu, and other key stakeholders implementing HIV/AIDS interventions in the Iringa region. This visit aimed to spotlight the outcomes of the cooperation between these organizations in achieving the national goals of eradicating HIV/AIDS.

To acknowledge the substantial contributions of these organizations, Mr. Hart presented certificates of appreciation as a token of gratitude for their efforts in combating HIV/AIDS.

This visit underscored the importance of stakeholder collaboration in reaching the goal of completely eradicating HIV/AIDS.

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