Dodoma, Tanzania
NACOPHA, in collaboration with EGPAF – Afya Yangu, recently visited the University of Dodoma (UDOM) to encourage students to get tested for HIV. The participants were first-year medical students.

Key Findings:
- Lack of Awareness and an Unfriendly Environment:
Many students do not see the importance of getting tested for HIV due to unfriendly environments, fear of stigma, overconfidence, and the belief that they are not engaging in risky behaviors. - Self-Test Kits:
There is a general lack of awareness about the use of self-test kits among students. During the event, education on self-test kits was provided, and 103 kits were distributed to the students.
There is a general lack of awareness about the use of self-test kits among students. During the event, education on self-test kits was provided, and 103 kits were distributed to the students. - Knowledge of PrEP and PEP:
Students are largely unaware of the availability and proper use of HIV prevention medications like PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). Information was provided through a Q&A session. - Fear of Knowing Their Status:
Many students fear that knowing their HIV status will drastically change their lives, which contributes to their reluctance to get tested.

Outreach Impact:
A total of 120 students were reached (94 males and 26 females).
100 male condoms were distributed to the students.
This initiative aimed to address the barriers to HIV testing and increase awareness and education on HIV prevention and treatment among young people at UDOM.